Steak? Mushrooms?

My son and hubby went snow camping this weekend and left me and mom at home (alone). I discovered some Portabello Mushrooms in the fridge that hubby brought home. Lucious mushroom caps stuffed with herbs and spices, cheese, and red bell pepper.

Which was very exciting.

And I was about to be put to my first real meat test. Steak. Its my favorite meat. Ever. And my mom, who is NOT a vegetarian, decided that she was going to cook herself a steak for dinner. With a baked potato. Which she did, and it smelled really good.


I cooked up those mushrooms and a baked potato. And I didn’t even miss the steak. That mushroom was sooooo good and really hit any meat craving that might have been activated by the smell (although, my mouth didn’t even water and I had no desire for the steak–go figure!). Really, the mushroom was that good. And there were two, so one is now in Tupperware in the fridge for someone’s lunch.

And tomorrow I’m going to Whole Foods. Kinda excited!

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