Menu Plan Monday

Menu Planning is something I used to do on a regular basis, but during the past couple of years it has been hit and miss. Part of that is because I was going to school to get my degree and didn’t have time to cook (my lovely daughter took care of that–her and Dream Dinners), and part of it is because when I was working as a professional baker, I came home exhausted (not just from the hours–during that time I became extremely anemic) from the hours, the stress, and the anemia. If I didn’t get something in the crockpot as soon as I got home–NO one got dinner. I generally did my shopping just as I got off work (the bonus about working in a grocery store).

Now, though, since I am a self-employed writer, just building my business, and struggling with paying the bills (right now–I have faith this will work out!), menu planning needs to come to the forefront again as it is an excellent way to save money!

Organizing Junkie has a Menu Planning Monday challenge on her site, which I am hoping will help keep me motivated. I suspect my menus will be a mix of my freezer swap meals, quick meals, and my own OAMC meals.

And I will probably link to my scrapping site, where I have posted recipe cards of some of my recipes (oh, along with this AWESOME weekly menu for the refrigerator!–and cuz I’m such a scrapping junkie, there will probably be all kinds of versions of menu boards to download).

Anyway–onto this week’s menu:

Monday: Chicken Paprika (dinner swap meal) with a green salad
Tuesday: Grilled Fish Tacos with Mango Avocado Relish with Apple-Walnut Spinach Salad
Wednesday: Chicken Pot Pie Lasagna (from Mega Menu Mailer vol 3 at
Thursday: Summer in Tuscany Steak Salad
Friday: Salmon Burgers with Grilled Potato Salad
Saturday: Citrus Ginger Chicken with Corn Salad
Sunday: Italian Mozzarella Meatloaf (dinner swap meal) with Roasted Veggies

It’s gonna be a yummy week!


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2 Responses to Menu Plan Monday

  1. Noreen Smith says:

    Hi Whitney! Thanks for your comment…it’s nice to “meet” you! I had a look at all your blogs…you are very multi-talented! I think your weekly planner for your fridge is a great idea (I love Shabby Princess too!) and your cupcake site is nothing short of YUMMY!!! I’ll be checking back again soon!

  2. Ugly Girl says:

    those tacos were SO AWESOME.