Lemon-and-Bay Leaf Bean Pickles


Better Homes and Gardens recently published a new canning magazine, with tons of exciting and flavorful-sounding recipes inside. So, of course I had to buy it.

And I had to make something out of it.


Lemon Bay Leaf Bean Pickles

Lemon-and-Bay Leaf Bean Pickles

Soooo pretty!

Anyway, I “like” quite a lot of canning pages on Facebook and decided to share. Which ended up with my beans being featured on SB Canning’s blog, along with the recipe. And as a side note, the recipe over there uses white vinegar. I used white wine vinegar. So ya know…

bhgcanning I can’t find the magazine online anywhere for you to buy, but here is what it looks like. I purchased mine at Target, but I’ve also seen it at Walmart and at my local grocery store…

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