Hey! I just realized my blogoversary just passed! Officially, I’ve been blogging for 4 years. Of course, I haven’t really been blogging that long, since I was locked out of my account for so long. But still. Kinda cool. Wanted to share.
Hey! I just realized my blogoversary just passed! Officially, I’ve been blogging for 4 years. Of course, I haven’t really been blogging that long, since I was locked out of my account for so long. But still. Kinda cool. Wanted to share.
No, not the movie. As I was perusing Momstar’s blog yesterday, I came across one of her random thoughts. It was basic: An angel and a demon died today. But so blatant in what she meant. I imagine if you are 10 or more years younger than me, the Michael … Continue reading
I’ve always found it ironic that the boy who helped me to really appreciate that black was indeed beautiful grew into a man who didn’t seem to see that in himself.
This is the cutest book ever. There are a ton of ideas on decorating cupcakes in it! Here is a video from the author sharing some of her ideas as well: