Hi all! I just wanted to let you know how lucky I am! I have the pleasure of working with Amanda over at “Baby Organics at Affordable Prices!” She is generously offering some of her awesome organic cotton baby clothes for me to give away on my blog. Woohoo! Let’s take a look at what I am giving away:
If you click on the images, it will take you right to Baby Organics to get all the specs for each product! These are my favorites. I love the Organic Cotton Onesie in papaya–mostly because I love bright colors. I chose the Natural BabyLegs because I really think they make the papaya stand out.
Ok, now for the nitty gritty. To enter, you must do at least one of the following:
- Link to Baby Organics (as a hyperlink) in a blog post with your favorite product from the selection at Baby Organics. Tell your blog readers why it’s your favorite. Leave me a link to your post in the comments.
- Let me know (in the comments, of course), who you hope to win this for. Is it for your own child? A grandchild? As you may know–my daughter is almost 20, and while there is no grandchild in my near future–many, many, many of her friends are getting married. I suspect babies are still in my near future–but since my daughter isn’t even engaged–hopefully it is just all her friends. Actually, at least 4 of her friends are new parents or are pregnant. So, as long as you have someone in mind for these awesome organic baby clothes–I am ok with that!
- Link to Baby Organics in a tweet and let me know in the comments.
- Ok–for the last way to win–let me know what you think is better–cloth diapers or disposable diapers–and why. I’ve used both. When my daughter was born, I used a great diaper service in Vegas. It was way better than trying to wash my own (which I did for a short while–and let me tell you, those diapers are the best dust rags I have now!). With my son, we’d already moved to rural Nevada, and disposable diapers worked better for me because I did not have access to a service. I was concerned about how hot I could clean the diapers at, and the use of water in the desert, and so on… Anyway, I want to know what you think!
I am running this giveway until Monday, July 20th. You have until midnight PDT to enter. Let the giveaway begin!
Oh! And I wanted to let you know that in the next 2-3 weeks, Baby Organics is adding Organic Baby Slings and Organic Baby Bedding to the site. See? It’s not as hard to be green as you might expect!
Oooohhhhh…and lucky you! For all my readers, Baby Organics is offering a 10% discount. Just enter coupon code “Mreow10″ when you check out.
Well, I have to say they would be for my little girl. I had no idea you had a 20 year old! You don't look like you could have a child that age. (I am not just saying that so you will let me win LOL)
I blogged about your giveaway. It is the least I can do for the lady who gave me my 1st blog award!
I'd be winning this for my grandbaby that will be here the first week of September. I'm so excited! This will be my first grandchild, a girl.
Thanks Whitney!
Teri aka teriluvs2scrapbook
If I win I would give them to my adorable 6 month old granddaugher! I also just found out a friend that I had lost touch with had a baby girl this month, so I might would purchase some for her for her baby. Thanks for the opportunity!
Wow! Cloth diapers versus disposable. With the world thinking green, disposable diapers are one of our worst enemies! I am a grandmother, my first two daughters were cloth completely(washed and hung on the clothesline with the first). By the time my 3rd daughter came, I thought I would not use disposable, that the cloth would be better, and I have to say I did use cloth for a while, but I started using the disposable for convenience, going to the store I would pack a couple, etc. She did seem so much dryer in the disposable, so I began to use them more and more, well this was 34 years ago, we did not know then how they would fill up our land fills and our oceans. My grandchildren do use the disposable, however with my youngest daughters first child she used the cloth diapers, kissaluvs, while he was a newborn, and then Fuzzi-buns, with the Cricketts-inserts and I was very impressed by them. She was too, she as many new moms do now felt overwhelmed at having diapers to wash with 2 children. I think the cloth diapers very much help in potty training and I do think we all have to start thinking about taking care of our land. Watch a show on the landfills that we have out there about the trash going into the ocean and I think you as well as I would have to say that we need to go back to the old ways somewhat. Disposable are convenient, but what are we leaving for those babies we are putting them on? Sorry for the novel, but GO GREEN!
I would totally love to give this amazing organic combo to my son! THANKS! We love ourselves some baby legs!!
newmommyin08 {at} yahoo {dot} com
They would be for my 5 month old preemie. He needs more cloths, he needs more everything with the Reflux and such…I can use anything I can get.
Also, thank you for commenting on my blog
I'm not sure which I like better when it comes to Diapers. I've always had to use disposables because I live with my mom right now and her husband pays for things, they think Cloth is bad, me I wish I could get some.
I've always heard good things about cloth, I think if I had a chance to I would get cloth and stay with cloth, cheaper, fancier, and come in a wide variety.
If I win they would be for my daughter.
I'd love to win for my son to be
I prefer non-bleached disposable diapers, like 7th generation. Reusables are not ideal unless you use a service, and I'm always afraid they will mix up my baby's diapers with someone else's…eew! If you wash them at home, it's hard to sterilize them sufficiently to be safe for the baby, and the water and energy wasted makes disposables from an earth friendly company more desirable.
I love the cute little baby clothes. Wish I had someone who would fit into the cute little things. Maybe someday (grandbabies?)
Tweeted your giveaway!
I would prefer to use cloth diapers, but I am so scared. I do think they are so much better for our environment though! So I say cloth even though I use disposable
Well, I am expecting my first grand daughter any minute……she is really due the first week in September, but went to the hospital last week for early labor.She is 35 weeks now, so we are hoping she won’t be born til 36 weeks or more.It is my son and his wife and their firstchild. Her(the baby’s)name is Jordan Christine,and her favorite colors are pink and light green, or any color green and chocolate brown……..Thank you so much, and best of luck to you Whitney.Joan Davis