Facebook Cover Photo Template

I spend a lot of time on Facebook. Probably more than I should. If I were to defend myself, I would say that it’s because I moderate a couple of e-school groups, I admin several pages. If Facebook were a job, I would rock at it!

Anyway, I switched to Timeline almost a year ago (yes, I’m totally a fan!). I’ve seen some great ways that people have personalized their walls, but I hadn’t gotten around to it. I’ve been thinking that I really want to use my cover photo to reflect me, though (honestly, I do switch the picture out pretty regularly). To that end, I decided I wanted to showcase some family pics (taken by the talented and amazing Rey from Rey of Light Photography). I started looking for templates, but didn’t really find anything that worked for me, so I created my own.

Click the photo to download the template.

Hopefully you like the template as much as I do. :)

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